Use Selenium to create a program to
- open chrome browser
- open
- login
Download first:
- selenium-server-standalone-3.9.1.jar
- chromedriver_win32
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| package main;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import;
public class UrlTestDemo {
static WebDriver driver; public static void main(String[] args) { String chromedriver = "D:\\workspace\\RyanTool\\lib\\chromedriver.exe"; String url = "<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin"; String userId = "xxx"; String password = "xxx"; String userIdXpath = "//*[@id=\"identifierId\"]"; String passwordXpath = "//*[@id=\"password\"]/div[1]/div/div[1]/input"; String idNextBtnXpath = "//*[@id=\"identifierNext\"]/content/span"; String pwdNextBtnXpath = "//*[@id=\"passwordNext\"]/content/span"; System.setProperty("",chromedriver); driver = new ChromeDriver();
openUrl(url); input(userIdXpath, userId); click(idNextBtnXpath); input(passwordXpath, password); click(pwdNextBtnXpath); sleep(4); driver.close(); }
private static void sleep(int i) { try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(i); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void click(String btnXpath) { driver.findElement(By.xpath(btnXpath)).click(); sleep(1); }
private static void input(String xpath, String content) { driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath)).sendKeys(content); sleep(1); }
private static void openUrl(String url) { driver.get(url); sleep(3); }