Notes for << Linux Shell Scripts Cook Book>>. It is very helpful for people with zero or little knowledge about Linux Shell Scripts.
Shell Something Out
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#!/bin/bash # indicate using which shell interpretor
# when a shell starts, it initially define various setting from ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
printing in the terminal
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echo"hi \!"# ! needs escape, otherwise means not operator echo -n hello # escape new line echo -e "string contains escape sequence"# when using escape sequence echo -e "\e[31m this is red text \e[0m"# \e[31m - red; \e[0m - reset # reset = 0, black = 40, red = 41, green = 42, yellow = 43, blue = 44, magenta = 45, cyan = 46, and white=47
printf"%-5s %-10s %-4.2f \n" 11 ryan 99.88888 # printf without newline # %-5s: string substitution + left alignment + width 5 # %-4.2f: float + 2 decimal
env# view all the environment variables relative to a terminal cat /proc/$PID/environ | tr'\0''\n' # environment variable for that process # trade to get each variable one line
pgrep <program>
# equality vs assignment var = value var=value
# PATH is defined in /etc/environment or /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc # store a list of paths where to search for executables, libraries export PATH=$PATH:$NEW_PATH
# bc for advanced echo"4*0.53" | bc echo"scale=2; 3/8" | bc # semicolon as a delimiter
# base convention n=100 echo"obase=2; $n" | bc # 1100100 echo"obase=10;ibase=2; $n" | bc # 4 echo"sqrt(100)" | bc echo"10^10" | bc
file description and redirection
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# 0-stdin, 1-stdout, 2-stderr # run echo $? immediately after the command execution to print the exit status # 0 means successful completion
cat a* 2>err.txt # 2 stands for stderr. so error will be redirect to err.txt cat a* | tee out.txt | cat -n # 1. get 2 stderr which show up and 2 stdout which go to next level # 2. tee will get 2 stdout into both out.txt and pipeline # 3. cat get stdin and add line number
date +%s # epoch time date"+%d %B %Y"# 16 May 2018
# get time take for a program start=`date +%s` ... end=`date +%s` let time_taken=end-start
weekday: %a Sat; %A Saturday
Month: %b Nov; %B November
Day: %d
Date: %D 10/20/99
Year: %y 10; %Y 2010
Hour: %I or %H
Minute: %M
Second: %S
Epoch: %s
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# delay scripts echo -n Count: tput sc # tput sc to store the cursor position count=0 whiletrue; do if [ $count -lt 40 ]; then let count++ sleep 1; tput rc # tput rc to restore the cursor position tput ed # clean existed number echo -n $count else exit 0 fi done
bash -x # in scripts, using set -x and set +x to debug specific portion # set -x : display arguments and commands # set +x : disable debugging # set -v : display input # set +v : disable print input
# function can return default 0 or any one argument if success # check if a command terminated successfully $CMD if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo successfully else echo unsuccessfully fi
reading the output of a sequence of commands
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# add line number ls | cat -n > out.txt
# a subshell can be defined using () operation # always quote them in double quotes to preserve the space and newline character out="$(cat test.txt)"
reading n characters without pressing the return key
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read -n 2 var # read 2 chars from input read -s password # read password in nonechoed mode read -p " Enter : " var # display a message read -t 2 var # read input within 2 sec read -d ":" var # use delimiter to end input. hi:
# at least one space in [] [ $var -eq 0 ] [ $var -nq 0 ] # != # -gt, -ls, -ge >=, -le <= [ $var -ne 0 -a $var2 -ne 0 ] # -a means and [ $var -ne 0 -o $var2 -ne 0 ] # -o means or
[ -f $file ] # true if holds a file path or filename [ -x $file ] # true if file is executable [ -w $file ] # true if file is writable [ -r $file ] # true if file is readable [ -d $file ] # true if it is a directory [ -e $file ] # true if it is existed file
# file exists sample fpath="/etc/passwd" if [ -e $fpath ]; then echo file exists. else echo file not exists. fi
# string comparison, use double square brackets, single brackets sometimes errors [[ $str1 = $str2 ]] # space needed beside = [[ -z $str ]] # true if str hols an empty string, str="" [[ -n $str ]] # true if str hols an non-empty string, str="xx"
Have a Good Command
concatenating with cat
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# cat can read both file and stdin cat -T filename # display tab as ^I cat -n filename # add line number, -b kill blank line
record and play back of terminal sessions
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# -t dump timing data to stderr script -t 2>timing.log -a output.session # ... exit
# every object as a file. files: regular file, directory, character devices, block devices, symlinks, hardlinks, sockets, FIFO find . -type d -print # d-dir, f-regular file, l-symbolic link, c-character special device, b-block device,s-socket, p-FIFO
# file times # -atime : access time # -mtime : modification time = content # -ctime : change time = metadata (such as permissions or ownership) # time in minutes ( -amin, -mmin, -cmin) find . -type f -atime -7 -print# within last 7 days find . -type f -atime 7 -print# exactly 7 days old find . -type f -atime +7 -print# older than 7 days
# find files that newer than file.txt find . -type f -newer file.txt -print
# file size over 2k, lt and eq; (M or G) find . -type f -size +2k # -2k, 2k
# delete all files with .log find . -type f -name "*.log" -delete
# based on permission, -perm find . -type f -name "*.php" ! -perm 644 -print
# based on ownership, -user find . -type f -user ryan -print
# using with exec \; find . -type f -user root -execchown ryan {} \; # {} here will be replaced by the find result.
# exclude file find . -name ".git" -prune
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# space is default delimiter, change to X echo"splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X -n 2 # split split # split split
echo"splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X -n 2 ./ # show : split split # show : split split # use -I to specify a replacament string when xargs expands cat args.txt | xargs -I {} ./ {} -l # each argument will be pass to replace {}
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # -print0 give one line output; -0 : delimiter is \0
sort file1.txt file2.txt > sorted.txt sort -n file.txt # numerical sort, -r reverse order, -M by months sort -m sort1 sort2 # merge two sorted files sort file1 file2 | uniq# find the unique lines # check if a file is sorted sort -C filename # return 0 -> sorted
sort -nrk 1 data.txt # -n numeric, -r reverse, -k specified the key, column 1 sort -nk 2,3 data.txt # 1010dddddee, 01 is the key # -b ignore leading blank lines # -d sort in the dictionary order
sort unsorted.txt | uniq -u # show only unique lines sort unsorted.txt | uniq -c # count how many times of each lines sort unsorted.txt | uniq -d # show only duplicate lines sort data.txt | uniq -s 2 -w 2 # -s 2 : ignore fisrt 2 char; -w 2 : max compare chars # u:01:bash - only 01 will be compared
# xargs use space as default delimiter, if stdin contains space, need to use \0 uniq -z file.txt | xargs -0 rm # -z zero-byte terminated output, -0 use \0 as delimiter
temp file naming and random number
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filename=`mktemp` dirname=`mktemp -d` tmpfile=`mktemp -u` # generate name without creating file mktemp # /home/ryan/test.NpW
split files and data
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split [COMMAND_ARGS] PREFIX split -b 10k data.file -d -a 4 split_file # -d numeric suffixes, -a length # split_file0001 split_file0002
split -l 10 data.file # 10 lines for each file
# csplit : content based split csplit server.log /SERVER/ -n 2 -s {*} -f server -b "%02d.log" ; rm server00.log # /SERVER/ : SERVER is the string to split # -n 2 : the number of digit as suffix of file name # -f server : prefix of filename, server01 # -b "%02d.log" : suffix format, filename = prefix + suffix, server01.log # -s : silent without printing other messages # server00.log will be beginning to the first SERVER which is empty
slice filename based on extension
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# ${VAR%.*} : remove the part that matches .* file="sample.jpg" name=${file%.*}# sample extension=${file#*.}# jpg, prefer ##
# % and %%, similar to # and ## file="" name=${file%.*}# name=${file%%.*}# ryan
rename and move files in bulk
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count=1 for img in `find . -type f -iname "*.jpg" -maxdepth 1` do new=image-$count.${img##*.} mv$img$new let count++ done
rename *.JPG *.jpg rename 's/ /_/g' * # replace space by _ rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' * # upper to lower
# expect ./ #Filename: spawn ./interactive .sh # specifies which commands are to be automated expect "Enter number:" send "1\n" expect "Enter name:" send "hello\n" expect eof # end of the command interaction
make commands using parallel processes
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PIDs=() for file in File1.iso File2.iso do md5sum$file & PIDs+=("$!") done wait${PIDs[@]}
File In File Out
generate files of any size
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ddif=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1 # bs block size, count - number of blocks # /dev/zero is a character special device, which infinitely returns the zero byte (\0). # also used to check the speed of memory operation
itersection and set difference (A-B)
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comm A.txt B.txt # 1st column - only in A # 2nd column - only in B # 3rd column - common lines. each column are delimited by \t
comm A.txt B.txt -1 -2 # remove 1 and 2, so show intersaction comm A.txt B.txt -3 | sed 's/^\t//' # s-substitute, to remove every \t # /^ - start of line marker; // - no char, replacement string
# type of file file filename # -b to exclude the filename in the output
# Filename: if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo"Usage is $0 basepath"; exit fi path=$1 declare -A statarray; whileread line; do ftype=`file -b "$line" | cut -d, -f1` # use , delimiter and use only 1st field let statarray["$ftype"]++; done < <(find $path -type f -print) echo ============ File types and counts ============= for ftype in"${!statarray[@]}"; # list of array indexes do echo$ftype : ${statarray["$ftype"]} done
./ /home/slynux/programs
whileread line; do something done < filename # <(find $path -type f -print) is equivalent to a filename # the first < is for input redirection and the second < is for converting the subprocess output to a filename # space there to avoid << operator # bash 3.x : done <<< "`find $path -type f -print`"
# match all words # ? zero or one occurrence of the previous expression ( ?[a-zA-Z]+ ?)
# ip [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}
# ^ start of line # $ end of line # . any one char # [] any one chars in [chars] # [^] any one chars except [chars] # [-] any chars within the range [1-5] # ? the preceding item must use one or 0 times, colou?r = color or colour # + the preceding item must use one or more times, 90+ = 900 or 90000 # * the preceding item must use 0 or more times, 90* = 90, 900 # () treats the terms as one entity, ma(tri)?x = max or matrix # {n} the preceding item must use n times, [0-9]{3} = [0-9][0-9][0-9] # {n,} specify minimum times that preceding item use, [0-9]{2,} = any 2 digits or longer # {n,m} [0-9]{2,5} = any number that has 2 digits to 5 digits # | alternation, 1 | 2 = 1 or 2 # \ escape, a\.b = a.b
grep "pattern" filename --color=auto grep -E "[a-z]+" filename # -E extended reg ex # -o ouput only match portion # -v print all the lines except the matched line # -c count number of matched line # -e count number of matched item # -i ignore case
grep "pattern" -n filename # print line number
echo gnu is not unix | grep -b -o "not"# 7:not grep -l linux file1 file2 # list which file contain, -L for non-matching grep "pattern" . -R -n # common
# pattern file grep -f pat_file
grep "main()" . -r --include *.{c,cpp} # search *.c and *.ccp grep "main()" . -r --exclude *.{c,cpp} # not search *.c and *.ccp grep "main()" . -r --exclude-dir ./tmp # exclude dir
# xargs grep "test" file* -lZ | xargs -0 rm# -Z and -0 # -q : quite, return status without showing
# Printing lines before and after text matches # print three lines after a match, -A; -b lines before; -c both seq 10 | grep 5 -A 3 #5\n6\n7\n8
cut a file by column
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cut -f 2,3 filename # show 2nd and 3rd column, --complement for reverse # -d ":" to indicate delimiter
cut -c 1-5 filename # 1st to 5th chars cut -c -5 filename # 1st 5 chars cut -c 2- filename # from 2nd to the end
sed 's/pattern/replace_string/' file # -i save changes sed 's/pattern/replace_string/' file > newfile
sed 's/pattern/replace_string/g' file # substitute every occurrence echo thisthisthisthis | sed 's/this/THIS/2g'# thisTHISTHISTHIS # / can be | or :
# remove blank line sed '/^$/d' filename # d - delete
sed -i .bak 's/abc/def/' filename # change original file as .bak
# Matched string notation (&) echo this is an example | sed 's/\w\+/[&]/g'# \w\+ matches every word. & refer to each of words # [this] [is] [an] [example]
# Substring match notation (\1) echo seven EIGHT | sed 's/\([a-z]\+\) \([A-Z]\+\)/\2 \1/' # \([a-z]\+\) match 1st word and \1 refer to
# for each input, {statement} will execute. awk 'BEGIN { statements } { statements } END { end statements }'
# NR : number of record. each input line as one record # NF : number of field. delimiter by space # $0 : text content of current line # $1, $2.. 1st field, 2nd field
# like java, string is within "". awk '{ print "Line no:"NR",No of fields:"NF, "$0="$0, "$1="$1}'
awk '{ print $3,$2 }' file awk 'END{ print NR }' file # get number of lines
awk '{ print v1,v2 }' v1=$var1 v2=$var2 filename
# getline var
awk 'NR < 5'# first four lines awk 'NR==1,NR==4'#First four lines awk '/linux/'# Lines containing the pattern awk '!/linux/'# Lines not containing the pattern awk -F : '{ print $NF }' /etc/passwd # -F delimiter
# awk built in function # length(string): string length. # index(string, search_string): position at which search_string is found # split(string, array, delimiter): stores strings list generated by delimiter in the array # substr(string, start-position, end-position): # sub(regex, replacement_str, string): replaces the first occurring match # gsub(regex, replacment_str, string): replaces every regular expression match. # match(regex, string): non-zero output if a match is found, otherwise zero. # with match(). RSTART contains the position the match starts. RLENGTH contains match length
find frequency of words
compress and decompress javascript
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cat sample.js | \ tr -d '\n\t' | \ # Removes the \n and \t characters tr -s ' ' | \ # squeeze repeating space sed 's:/\*.*\*/::g' | \ # Removes comments, use : as delimiter instead of /, .* match all text sed 's/ \?\([{}();,:]\) \?/\1/g'# Removes all the spaces before and after the characters.
# decompression # s/;/;\n/g replaces ; with ;\n # s/{/{\n\n/g replaces { with {\n\n # s/}/\n\n}/g replaces } with \n\n}
var="This is a line of text" echo${var/line/REPLACED_text}
string="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" echo${string:4}# efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz echo${string:4:8}# efghijkl echo${string:(-1)}# z $ echo${string:(-2):2}# yz
# download the complete website by recursively collecting all the URL wget --mirror --convert-links wget -r -N -l -k DEPTH URL # -l : depth, along with -r. -N enable time stamping. # -k or --convert-links : convert the links to other pages
curl URL -o index.html --progress # show progress curl URL/file -C offset # Continuing and resuming
# Setting the referer string with cURL # click link_1 in page_a, we access to page_b. Without link_1, we are not able to access page_b. curl --referer link_1 page_b_URL
# Cookies with cURL curl URL --cookie "user=ryan;pass=hi" curl URL --cookie-jar cookie_file # specify a file to which the cookies encountered are to be stored
curl URL --limit-rate 20k curl URL --max-filesize bytes # return a non-zero exit code if the file size exceeds. zero if it succeeds
curl -u user:pass URL curl -u user URL
# -I or -head : dump only the HTTP headers, without downloading the remote file. curl -I URL
access Gmail
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#Desc: Fetch gmail tool username='PUT_USERNAME_HERE' password='PUT_PASSWORD_HERE' SHOW_COUNT=5 # No of recent unread mails to be shown echo curl -u $username:$password --silent "" | \ tr -d '\n' | sed 's:</entry>:\n:g' |\ sed -n 's/.*<title>\(.*\)<\/title.*<author><name>\([^<]*\)<\/name><email>\([^<]*\).*/From: \2 [\3] \nSubject: \1\n/p' | \ head -n $(( $SHOW_COUNT * 3 )) # tr -d '\n' removes the newline character # sed 's:</entry>:\n:g' replaces every </entry> element with a newline
#Filename: if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo"Usage: $0 URL -d DIRECTORY" exit -1 fi
# shift is used to shift arguments to the left # $1 will take the next argument value for i in {1..4} do case$1in -d) shift; directory=$1; shift ;; *) url=${url:-$1}; shift;; esac done mkdir -p $directory; baseurl=$(echo$url | egrep -o "https?://[a-z.]+") echo Downloading $url curl -s $url | egrep -o "<img src=[^>]*>" | sed 's/<img src=\"\([^"]*\).*/\1/g' >/tmp/$$.list sed -i "s|^/|$baseurl/|" /tmp/$$.list cd$directory;
#Desc: Script to track changes to webpage if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo -e "$Usage: $0 URL\n" exit 1; fi first_time=0 # Not first time if [ ! -e "last.html" ]; then first_time=1 # Set it is first time run fi curl --silent $1 -o recent.html if [ $first_time -ne 1 ]; then changes=$(diff -u last.html recent.html) if [ -n "$changes" ]; then echo -e "Changes:\n" echo"$changes" else echo -e "\nWebsite has no changes" fi else echo"[First run] Archiving.." fi cp recent.html last.html
post to web page and read response
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# POST and read the HTML response curl URL -d "host=hostname&user=username"# -d is the argument used for posting wget php_URL --post-data "host=hostname&user=username" -O output.html
tar -cf output.tar [SOURCES] # -c create file, -f specify filename tar -tf archive.tar # list files in an archive tar -tvf archive.tar # -v verbose, print more details
tar -rvf original.tar new_file # -r append a file into an archive
tar -xf archive.tar # -x for extract tar -xf archive.tar -C /path/to/extract # -C to indicate where the files tar -xvf file.tar file1 file4 # only extract file1 and file4
# '-' make archive as output tar cvf - files/ | ssh a@A "tar xv -C Documents/"
# merge multiple tar files with the -A option tar -Af file.tar file_be_merged.tar
# -u : append updated files according to timestamp. tar -uf archive.tar filea # when extracting, newer version will be picked up
# Comparing files in the archive and file system tar -df archive.tar # -d to print difference
# Deleting files from the archive tar -f archive.tar --delete file1 file2
# -a : compress by looking at the extension tar -acvf archive.tar.gz filea fileb filec
# Exclude a set of files from archiving tar -cf arch.tar * --exclude "*.txt" tar -cf arch.tar * -X list # list: file1 file2
# Excluding version control directories tar --exclude-vcs -czvvf archive.tar.gz eye_of_gnome_svn tar -cf arc.tar * --exclude "*.txt" --totals
archive with cpio
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# store files with attributes such as permissions, ownership echo file1 file2 file3 | cpio -ov > archive.cpio cpio -it < archive.cpio # list files in a cpio archive cpio -id < archive.cpio # extract files from the cpio archive # -o specifies the output # -v is used for printing a list of files archived # -i is for specifying the input # -t is for listing # -d stands for extracting
gzip filename gunzip filename.gz gzip -l test.txt.gz # list out the properties of a compressed file cat file | gzip -c > file.gz # -c option is used to specify output to stdout
# zip multiple files FILE_LIST="file1 file2 file3 file4 file5" for f in$FILE_LIST; do tar -rvf archive.tar $f done gzip archive.tar
# extract a gzipped tarball tar -xavvf archive.tar.gz -C extract_directory
# zcat - reading gzipped files without extracting zcat test.gz
# Compression ratio gzip -5 test.img # 1 is the lowest, but fastest
# bzip2 offers more effective compression while taking more time bzip2 filename bunzip2 filename.bz2
tar -xjvf archive.tar.bz2 # -j denotes that the archive is bzip2
archive and compress with zip
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zip [SOURCE FILES/DIRS] zip -r folder1 folder2 # Archive directories and files recursively unzip # without removing zip -u newfile # update files in the archive with newer files zip -d file.txt # Delete a file from a zipped archive unzip -l # list the files in an archive
faster archive with pbzip2
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# pbzip2 can use multiple cores, hence decreasing overall time pbzip2 myfile.tar tar cf myfile.tar.bz2 --use-compress-prog=pbzip2 dir_to_compress pbzip2 -dc myfile.tar.bz2 | tar x # Extracting a pbzip2
## u1 as remote machine; # Set up and initiate the remote backup directory mkdir -p ~/git_repo/demo.git cd ~/git_repo/demo.git git init --bare
git log # revert back to any previous state or version git checkout COMMIT_ID # make this revert permanent git commit -am "Restore @ $(date) commit ID:xxxxxx"
# manually set the IP address for a network interface sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask
# Printing the list of network interfaces ifconfig | cut -c-10 | tr -d ' ' | tr -s '\n' # first 10 characters is reserved for network interfaces # take the first 10 columns, remove space, squeeze newline
# check alive host for ip in 192.168.0.{1..255} ; do ping $ip -c 2 &> /dev/null ; # &> /dev/null : redirect both stderr and stdout if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo$ip is alive fi done
# Parallel pings : enclose the loop body in ( )& for ip in 192.168.0.{1..255} ; do ( ping $ip -c2 &> /dev/null ; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo$ip is alive fi )& done wait# waits for the time until all the child ( ) subshell processes complete
# collects the uptime of a list of remote hosts #Description: Uptime monitor IP_LIST="" USER="test" for IP in$IP_LIST; do utime=$(ssh ${USER}@${IP}uptime | awk '{ print $3 }' ) echo$IPuptime: $utime done
# Redirecting data into stdin of remote host echo'text' | ssh user@remote_host 'echo' ssh user@remote_host 'echo' < file
# FTP can only be used if the FTP server is installed on the remote machine. # FTP usually runs on port 21. lftp username@ftphost
# To change the directory of a local machine, use lcd
# download a file lftp username@ftphost:~> get filename
# To upload a file from the current directory lftp username@ftphost:~> put filename
# An lftp session can be terminated by using the quit
# Automated FTP transfer # -i option of ftp turns off the interactive session # -n option tells ftp to not attempt automatically logging in and use the username and password we supply it. HOST='' USER='foo' PASSWD='password' ftp -i -n $HOST <<EOF user ${USER} ${PASSWD} binary cd /home/slynux put testfile.jpg get serverfile.jpg quit EOF
# SFTP requires an OpenSSH server to be installed and running sftp user@domainname sftp -oPort=422 user@domainname # in case port no is not 22
# list all opened ports on the system along with the details lsof -i
# In order to list out the opened ports from the current machine lsof -i | grep ":[0-9]\+->" -o | grep "[0-9]\+" -o | sort | uniq
# netstat -tnp to list opened port and services netstat -tnp
create arbitrary sockets
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# reate network sockets to do data transfer over a TCP/IP network # create a listening socket on port 1234 on the local machine nc -l 1234 # netcat
# Connect to the socket nc HOST 1234 # replace HOST with localhost, or the IP address or hostname
ryan@base:~$ nc -l 12345 ryan@u1:~$ nc base 12345 # type hi in u1, hi will appear in base as well
# Quickly copying files over the network nc -l 1234 > destination_filename # on receiving machine nc HOST 1234 < source_filename # on sender machine
share an internet connection
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# you don't have a router and you need to share the Internet?
basic firewall using iptables
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# Block traffic to a specific IP address iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
# Block traffic to a specific port iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -dport 21 -j DROP # -A which instructs iptables to append a new rule to the chain # OUTPUT chain which runs on all the outgoing traffic # -j to instruct iptables to DROP the packet # -p parameter to specify that this rule should match only TCP on the port specified with -dport which block all the outbound FTP traffic
# clear the changes made to the iptables chains iptables --flush
du -a DIRECTORY # -a for all files recursively du -h FILENAME
# Displaying the grand total sum of disk usage du -c FILENAME1 FILENAME2.. du -c DIRECTORY # -s (summarize), which will print only the grand total
# Excluding files from the disk usage calculation du --exclude "*.txt" FILES du --exclude-from EXCLUDE.txt DIRECTORY du --max-depth 2 DIRECTORY
# Finding the 10 largest size files from a given directory du -ak SOURCE_DIR | sort -nrk 1 | head # -a makes du traverse the SOURCE_DIR and calculates the size of all files # sort is used to perform a numerical sort with column 1 and reverse it
# find only the largest files and not directories find . -type f -execdu -k {} \; | sort -nrk 1 | head
# %C Name and command-line arguments of the command being timed. # %D Average size of the process unshared data area, in kilobytes. # %E Elapsed real (wall clock) time used by the process in [hours:]minutes:seconds. # %x Exit status of the command. # %k Number of signals delivered to the process. # %W Number of times the process was swapped out of the main memory. # %Z System page size in bytes. This is a per-system constant, but varies between systems # %P Percentage of the CPU that this job got. This is just user + system times divided by the total running time. It also prints a percentage sign. # %K Average total (data + stack + text) memory usage of the process, in Kilobytes. # %w Number of times that the program was context-switched voluntarily, for instance while waiting for an I/O operation to complete. # %c Number of times the process was context-switched involuntarily (because the time slice expired).
logged in users, boot logs and boot failure
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who w # more detailed information about the logged in users users# list only the usernames of the users users | tr' ''\n' | sort | uniq# find unique users uptime# how long the system has been powered on # 21:44:33 up 3:17, 8 users, load average: 0.09, 0.14, 0.09 uptime | grep -Po '\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}'# xtract only three two-digit numbers separated by colons.
# get information about previous boot and user logged sessions last last -f /var/log/wtmp last USER # about login sessions for a single user last reboot # Get information about reboot sessions lastb # about failed user login sessions
top 10 cpu consuming processes in an hour
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# monitoring and calculating CPU usages in one hour SECS=3600 UNIT_TIME=60 #Change the SECS to total seconds for which monitoring is to be performed. #UNIT_TIME is the interval in seconds between each sampling STEPS=$(( $SECS / $UNIT_TIME )) echo Watching CPU usage... ; for((i=0;i<STEPS;i++)) do ps -eocomm,pcpu | tail -n +2 >> /tmp/cpu_usage.$$ sleep$UNIT_TIME done echo echo CPU eaters : cat /tmp/cpu_usage.$$ | \ awk '{ process[$1]+=$2; }END{for(i in process){printf("%-20s %s\n",i, process[i]) ;}}' \ | sort -nrk 2 | head rm /tmp/cpu_usage.$$ #Remove the temporary log file
mmonitor command output with watch
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# monitor the output of a command watch COMMAND watch 'ls -l | grep "^d"'# will update the output at a default interval of two seconds watch -n 5 'ls -l'# at regular intervals of 5 seconds watch -d 'COMMAND'# Difference highlighting
log access to files and directories
logfile management with logrotate
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# logrotate has the configuration directory at /etc/logrotate.d. # customerized config file: /etc/logrotate.d/program /var/log/program.log { # logfile path missingok # Ignore if the logfile is missing and return without rotating the log. notifempty # Only rotate the log if the source logfile is not empty size 30k # Limit the size of the logfile compress # Enable compression with gzip for older logs. weekly # Specify the interval at which the rotation is to be performed rotate 5 # It is the number of older copies of logfile archives to be kept create 0600 root root # Specify the mode, user, and the group of the logfile archive }
#/var/log/boot.log Boot log information. #/var/log/httpd Apache web server log. #/var/log/messages Post boot kernel information. #/var/log/auth.log User authentication log. #/var/log/dmesg System boot up messages. #/var/log/mail.log Mail server log. #/var/log/Xorg.0.log X Server log.
#logger LOG_MESSAGE logger This is a testlog line tail -n 1 /var/log/messages # Sep 29 07:47:44 slynux-laptop slynux: This is a test log line # it logs to /var/log/messages by default
# with a specified tag logger -t TAG This is a message # Sep 29 07:48:42 slynux-laptop TAG: This is a message
# You can see the tag strings and associated logfiles from the configuration files located in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory.
#!/bin/bash #Filename: #Description: Monitor disk usage health for remote systems logfile="diskusage.log" if [[ -n $1 ]] then logfile=$1 fi if [ ! -e $logfile ] then printf"%-8s %-14s %-9s %-8s %-6s %-6s %-6s %s\n""Date""IP address""Device""Capacity""Used""Free""Percent""Status" > $logfile fi IP_LIST="" #provide the list of remote machine IP addresses ( for ip in$IP_LIST; do #slynux is the username, change as necessary ssh slynux@$ip'df -H' | grep ^/dev/ > /tmp/$$.df whileread line; do cur_date=$(date +%D) printf"%-8s %-14s "$cur_date$ip echo$line | awk '{ printf("%-9s %-8s %-6s %-6s %-8s",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); }' pusg=$(echo$line | egrep -o "[0-9]+%") pusg=${pusg/\%/}; if [ $pusg -lt 80 ]; then echo SAFE else echo ALERT fi done< /tmp/$$.df done ) >> $logfile
# We can use the cron utility to run the script at regular intervals # every day at 10 a.m., write the following entry in the crontab 00 10 * * * /home/path/ /home/user/diskusg.log
powertop powertop --html # generating HTML reports
monitor disk activity
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iotop -o # show only those processes which are doing active I/O iotop -b -n 2 # print the statistics two times and then exit iotop -p PID # Monitor a specific process
check disk and filesystem for errors
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# check for errors on a partition or filesystem fsck /dev/sdb3
# check all the filesystems configured in /etc/fstab fsck -A
# Instruct fsck to automatically attempt fixing errors fsck -a /dev/sda2
ps -f # -f (stands for full) # other than the ones attached to the current terminal, -e (every) option
# display the required columns of output, -o ps -eo comm,pcpu | head #pcpu Percentage of CPU #pid Process ID #ppid Parent Process ID #pmem Percentage of memory #comm Executable filename #cmd Simple command #user The user who started the process #nice The priority (niceness) #time Cumulative CPU time #etime Elapsed time since the process started #tty The associated TTY device #euid The effective user #stat Process state
# display several parameters along with the top CPU consuming processes top
# Sorting the ps output ps -eo comm,pcpu --sort -pcpu | head
# Finding the process ID when given command names ps -C COMMAND_NAME ps -C COMMAND_NAME -o pid= # lists the process IDs pgrep COMMAND pgrep bash -d ":"# define delimiter rather than using a newline pgrep -u root,slynux COMMAND # Specify a list of owners of the user for the matching processes pgrep -c COMMAND # Return the count of matching processes
# Specify an effective users' list by using -u EUSER1, EUSER2, # Specify a real users' list by using -U RUSER1, RUSER2 ps -u root -U root -o user,pcpu
# TTY filter for ps ps -t pts/0,pts/1
# Information about process threads ps -eLf # -L : show information about threads. # NLWP is the thread count for a process and NLP is the thread ID for each entry ps -eLf --sort -nlwp | head
# Showing environment variables for a process ps -eo cmd e
# if /usr/bin/windowapp did not work ps -C windowapp -eo cmd e # find out the env variable, and prefix to the cmd DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/windowapp
which# find the location of a command whichls# /bin/ls whereis ls whatis ls# one-line description of the command
# Add path export PATH=$PATH:/home/ryan/bin
file FILENAME # return file type
# specifies the average of the total number of runnable processes uptime
# trap is a command used to assign signal handler to signals in a script trap'signal_handler_function_name' SIGNAL LIST
#/bin/bash #Filename: #Description: Signal handler functionhandler() { echo Hey, received signal : SIGINT } echo My process ID is $$ trap'handler' SIGINT #handler is the name of the signal handler function for SIGINT signal whiletrue; do sleep 1 done
Sending messages to user terminals
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# broadcast a message to all users and all logged in terminals cat message.txt | wall
Gathering system information
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# print the hostname of the current system hostname uname -n uname -a uname -r # kernel release uname -m # machine type
cat /proc/cpuinfo # print details about the CPU cat /proc/meminfo # memory info
Using /proc to gather information
# /proc/4295/environ will display all the environment variables